Showing our Writing Process - Write Draft / Edit and Polish / Publish
Written Language - Cameo
Learning Intention: I am learning how to use appropriate and effective similes in my cameo writing.
Success Criteria:
I am able to find and highlight similes in a cameo and explain why they work.
I am able to write appropriate similes for objects in my cameo.
Here is an example:
Winter blows its cold breath everywhere.
The early morning frost greets you like being welcomed onto the marae.
The wind howls in the freezing air like a stray dog hungry for a bone.
Snowflakes flutter like leaves falling from autumn trees, covering the ground with a white sparkling blanket.
The trees become bare, brown bones standing like statues admiring the view.
Heavy rain falls from the sky like a thousand hooves pounding against the ground.
Chilly bitterness in the air, winter is here.
Here is my draft piece of writing!
Leaves fall like a butterfly landing on a flower.
Trees sway in the wind like a tornado.
Wind howls like a dog in trouble.
Leaves crumble like a piece of paper torn up.
Leaves cover the ground like a colourful blanket.
Mornings are cold like a fresher.
Trees become bare like a bone.
Dews sparkle like a gems that’s just been polished.
Autumn is here.
Here is my published piece of writing.
Leaves fall from the tees like a feather from a bird.
Trees sway like a piece of paper blowing in the wind.
The wind howls like a dog in trouble.
Leaves crumble like a piece of paper being scrunched up.
Leaves cover the ground like a colourful blanket.
Trees become bare like a bone.
The dew on the leaves sparkle like a gem that’s just been polished.
Autumn is here.