
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Explanation Writing Test

Hello fellow blogger's

Yesterday we had to write an explanation about one environmental problem. I chose to write about littering. I am still waiting to hear my results. Here is my writing.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Greats and Grands Day Writing

Hi fellow bloggers
Tomorrow is Ohaeawai School's Greats and Grands Day. My class had done some explanation writing about something grandparents have to cope with and how to fix that problem. The problem I wrote about was Losing Energy. After that we made a little poem or just a piece of writing about our grandparents and how much we love them. So here they are;

This is my explanation writing:

How Grandparents Deal with Energy Loss

A Grandparent is someone who is old enough for their baby to have a baby. When people start to get old the bones in their body can’t function as well as they use to, this is called aging. One of the aging problems that Grandparents have is Energy Loss.

Firstly, a way to fix energy loss is to have big sleeps and to go to bed early or just read a book. If you have a good sleep you will have lots of energy for the next day.

Secondly, a way to fix energy loss is to eat lots of healthy fruits and vegetables. They have lots of vitamins so they keep you very energised.

Finally, a way to fix energy loss is to not waste your energy. So why don’t you try a board game or play bingo like old people do. Or do gardening. It’s good to do quiet activities because you can do them for longer.

So why don’t you try one of these ideas I wrote on how to fix energy loss. I hope you do try this.

Here is my grandparents piece of writing I did: