
Thursday, February 9, 2017

The great Fire in London

Team Moana are leaning about Myths and Legends I did a legend on the great Fire in London. Our theme for Ohaeawai School this year is learn from a Myth Become a Legend. So I hope you like it.
We also had to be able to explain the difference between a myth and a legend.
The great Fire in London (Legend)

The story comes from a culture.
It has non-human characters like gods.
It can have some real characters like plants, humans and other animals.
It is set in a certain place.
It explains a certain phenomenon or says why things are the way they are.
The main parts of the story are:
It is in London
Kings , people
In London
London City on fire.
On the 9th of September 1666 the baker was asleep upstairs and then the bakers oven caught on fire. And then the smoke alarm went off and it awoke the baker and brought his family out off the bakery shop and called for the firefighter and the mayor. A few mins later they came, the fire fighter said we have to knock down the buildings or they will catch on fire to! But the mayor said no that fire isn’t that bad we’ll soon put that fire out.
The fire spread and half London was on fire and lots of work had to be done.
This picture is of the great fire of London

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