
Thursday, March 30, 2017

Narrative Story

Hi bloggers, My class has been learning about mythical narrative stories, here is my story. I hope you enjoy it. 

IV’s Great adventure                                      
Many, many years ago there lived a beautiful flying unicorn named IV. She was as beautiful as a magical sparkly,angel.  She had delicate, yellow wings and a smooth, blue body with a glowing horn and hooves. She lived up in the clouds with all the other unicorns near a magical rainbow which led from a beautiful forest.
But, in that forest lived five evil eagles. They were brown with sharp beaks. They planned to trap the unicorns and steal their magical powers.

One day IV went down to the gleaming forest to have a walk. Soon the eagles spotted her and flew down to a tree near her. They snuck up on her and caught her with a net.  They took IV to their scary and spooky cave in the middle of the forest and put her in a dark dungeon.But the eagles were  dumb and forgot that she had magic. So, she used her powers to take off the dungeon roof and she flew out and back to her home.

When she got home to her mother and father who loved her better that anyone in the unicorn land, her mother asked, “Where were you IV?”
IV replied, “I got kidnapped by five evil eagles who took me to their dungeon.  They forgot that I had magical powers, so I used them  to take off the roof and I flew back home. I also got a scratch from the eagles attacking me with their sharp sharp beaks, but it doesn't hurt.”
“OK, sweetie. Daddy will go out tonight to kill them so they don’t make any more trouble,” said her mother.
“OK, but can I go with Daddy?” asked IV.
“OK” replied , “but be careful IV.”

So, the day dragged on but finally it was night. IV and Dad got ready. When they got to the cave the eagles were sleeping. IV’s dad got his gun out. Suddenly, “Bang, boom, bang, boom, boom,” shouted the gun. All the eagles lay there, but one was not dead.  It escaped but didn’t bother the unicorns, because it didn’t want to be shot.

Later that year, when she went on her walks, IV would always spy the eagle alone. One day she bravely went up to it and softly asked, “Would you like to be my friend?” So IV and the eagle became friends. They always played in the forest and in unicorn land. The eagle was allowed to be there because he had become a nice and friendly eagle. He had learned through being lonely that everyone needs friends.

Now,  everyone in Unicorn Land was happy and loved and no one fought and everyone shared everything. They all lived happily ever after.         

Thursday, March 23, 2017


On Thursday we went out to hockey it was really fun all the year 6's went first then the year 5's when it was the year 5's turn we go into groups  and there were cones in shapes of a circle, square and a triangle. we dribbled a ball around the cone shapes everyone did it, it was a competition. After everyone in my team did it we all bobbed down and waited for the two other teams too finish. It rained a little but we still played and after we did that we swapped shapes and after we finished that little game we played instructions. It's when we dribbled the ball up and down and left and right and after that we went back to the class room.

Thursday, March 16, 2017


Hi, On Wednesday my class and I were learning how to survive in the water with clothes on. When we were in the water the person that was teaching us to float with clothes on said "you're going to float with your clothes on for two minutes". I did not make it. After we floated with clothes on we had to float and take off our clothes but luckily we had our togs on underneath, It was really hard to swim with clothes on. Here is a picture of swimming. 

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Numeracy Knowledge 2

Hello. We have been doing some maths assessments. Here is my result for Stage 5 place value.
I got 6/8 of the learning outcomes. I need to work on knowing groupings of 10s in a 3 digit number and rounding 3 digit numbers to the nearest 10.

My Numeracy Knowledge.1

Hello. We have been doing some maths assessments. Here is my result for Stage 5 reading and counting numbers.

I got 3/7 of the learning outcomes. I need to work on counting forwards and backwards by 100s and counting backwards by 1s and 10s. Yellow is I have done it and blue is I have to work on it.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Persuasive writing

My Class is learning about Persuasive argument writing I have written an argument about The Monster in the Maze - The Minotaur.

First we read the story and the teacher said to do an argument so we started to write about the minotaur.
We were pretending to write a letter to the person who owned the monster to help save the lives of the youths he would be eating.

Dear King Minos,
I am writing to you about the fate of the nine doomed youths.  I plead for their release on the grounds that:

Firstly, it’s wrong to be killed the way your monster kills, because it would be terrifying getting ripped apart and eaten and not being able to have a long lived life, it’s not nice!

Next, would you like it if the youths from your city were taken away every year, never to be seen again?

Finally, you could feed your monster animals instead of people

So I think you understand that ripping people apart is wrong and not being able to live a long life is sad so this is why I’m writing to you to stop your monster eating kids please.

Yours faithfully,
King of Athens