Day 3 Activity 1
In this blog post I had to say how I would feel about joining a large family. Here it is.
I would not like to be part of a large family of nine because I am a quiet girl. We would need to have the same amount of food each and I like to eat a lot. That's why I don't want to be in a large family. One sister is OK for me.
Day 3 Activity 2
In this activity I had to write my pepeha. It was really hard but I did some of it, so here it is. I missed a few things out because my family is not Maori.
Ko ? te maunga
Ko ? te awa
Ko ? te awa
Ko ? te waka
Ko ? tōku tīpuna
Ko ? tōku iwi
Ko ? tōku hapu
Ko ? tōku marae
Ko ? ahau
Ko Nicola rāua ko Bart ōku mātua
Ko Sara tōku ingoa.
Bonus Activity
In this bonus activity I had to ask three family members what their two favourite things to do in
the summer are.
1. Swimming and Play
2. Going to the Beach and Fishing
3. Swimming and Camping